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E-commerce in the Home Furnishings industry

Aleksandra StankowskaSenior Content Designeredrone

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Due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation of numerous restrictions and stay-at-home recommendations, the Home Furnishing industry has seen a huge increase in sales.

Everyone started spending more and more time at home, which perhaps spurred our creativity, so all sorts of remodeling and rearranging our interiors into home offices became commonplace. Probably it was related to the boredom of constantly looking at the same interior every day, also while working remotely. According to eMarketer, the Home Furnishings sector was at the forefront of online sales in the US in 2020. The unexpected growth in sales in this industry has caused numerous logistical issues and increased lead times.

Source: eMarketer

It will be interesting to see what lies ahead for the home furnishings industry once the pandemic subsides. If you are a retailer or business owner and operate in this sector, what can you do to ensure continued growth even after the pandemic crisis is over?

The tools made available by Marketing Automation come to your aid here. They are able to significantly increase your sales if only you decide to use them. The Home Furnishings sector is quite specific. Who, when choosing a sofa or armchair, doesn’t want to sit down and check that it is comfortable? For this reason, sellers in this industry often face difficulties. Customers cannot be sure whether the product will meet their expectations. So, you can inform them about the friendly return policy or the length of the period to test the product at home. If you also have a free shipping option, be sure to mention that! Also add instructions for possible returns. All this can convince your customers to buy with confidence.

The purchase decision is also influenced by so-called Social Proof. These are ratings and recommendations to which you can also add additional elements: a preview of how many people are watching the product, a “trending” label or information about “last pieces”. An important element may also be cooperation with influencers who can become a reliable source of information about the couch that has just caught your eye or an office chair that you need to work from home in comfort.

Analysis of edrone’s clients in the Home Furnishing sector

We decided to take a look at the results of our clients operating in the home furnishings sector to discover how retailers are using marketing automation tools to increase sales. We gained some insights on this topic that we want to share with you.

We analyzed the results of our clients from Brazil, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Romania and Spain. Some of them operate regionally, while others also operate in foreign markets. All data is from the first half of 2021. For security and privacy reasons, the results have been aggregated and presented as an average. It is clear from the statistics that automation tools have a direct impact on sales – as much as 17% of revenue can be directly attributed to edrone functionalities.

Revenue is important in any business, this result looks impressive. However, it’s nothing compared to the nearly fivefold increase in the number of customers who came back to make more purchases. And this is all thanks to Marketing Automation tools. This result shows their true power!

That’s not all! By using marketing automation tools in their operations, our clients have seen growth in other areas as well. Combining Pop-ups and Web Layers with Email Automation scenarios had a real impact on increasing the subscriber base by over 14%!

By using the automation processes that are the foundation of edrone, you can be almost certain that your metrics will start climbing right away. The clients whose results we’re discussing have seen rapid growth after starting to use our automation scenarios:

  • average revenue per 1000 emails sent (more than 11,000 PLN)
  • average CTR (a respectable 12.38%)
  • open rate (an incredible 38.5%!)
  • conversion rate (1.79%)

Newsletters in the home furnishings industry are important because they allow users to learn about the latest offers. Combining news with great graphics allows for even greater customer engagement. Our clients’ decision to use edrone tools resulted in an increase of important indicators concerning newsletters: average CTR or open rate, which was 14.2%. These figures are much better in the Home Furnishings sector compared to other sectors.

As you can see, the implementation of Marketing Automation tools can result in a significant increase in key indicators and, consequently, sales! At your disposal, you have ready-to-use scenarios from edrone to effectively start automating your activities.

Here are the 5 most frequently used automation scenarios for the home furnishings sector: Restore Viewed Products, Restore Customer, Recover Abandoned Cart, Newsletter Subscription and Recommended.

If you would like to learn more about marketing automation tools in the home furnishings sector or elsewhere, please contact us at hello@edrone.me

Aleksandra Stankowska

Senior Content Designer


She cares about good quality content. Believes that success in e-commerce depends on the right approach. She claims it is good to know something about everything, but specializes in modern marketing. LinkedIn

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